In the church loggia you can see epigraphic monuments and a particularly impressive permanent exhibition of large format artistic photographs by Vrbnik’s master of film and photography, Petar Trinajstić. Photos entitled "Love and Serve" were created on the occasion of marking the anniversary of the founding of the Brotherhood of St John the Baptist – the Kapari in 1323. It is one of the oldest mediaeval fraternities with a humanitarian role. Throughout history, the Kapari have performed various acts of mercy toward the most vulnerable members of the community. Today they accompany the deceased to their final resting places and dedicate the song of “Pojubica” to each one of them. They also have a special role in the Holy Week when they sing an archaic mediaeval tune of “Božji plač” in the procession of the Good Friday and the Passion of the Lord. They wear recognisable white tunics with a red cross on the chest and a white cap, from which they took their name.

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