Useful suggestions and instructions:
Before your departure, please check the weather forecast, wear strong sports or hiking shoes and adjust your clothes according to the season (lighter for summer, cap or hat against the sun, jacket or thicker jersey for spring time and autumn and sweater or raincoat for the winter months). Bring along enough liquids, food, a knife, adhesive bandages, watch, mobile phone, sunglasses, camera and this map. Start your journey with a group, follow the field signs and walk along the marked paths. Please be so kind and do not throw waste, light fires, damage or jump over dry stone walls, please open and close all gates along your path, and refrain from picking grapes, figs and protected plants, and chasing sheep and wild animals.
You travel along the above mentioned paths at your own responsibility. Emergency number: 112 - Police, Fire service, Ambulance service. The “Obzova” Hiking society operates on the island of Krk. More information can be found on www.pd-obzova.hr or you can e-mail on: kontakt@pd-obzova.hr
Important note:
Glavina-Mala luka was defined a special ornithological reserve back in 1963 because of the rare and protected bird species that live there. It has a surface area of 1000 ha and occupies the area from the coastal edge up to 1 km inland. It is the habitat of the vultures, short-toed eagles, grey hawks, common kestrel, European shag, eagle owl, blue rock thrush, rufous-tailed rock thrush and the stone curlew.
We kindly ask all visitors to move carefully through the reserve, remembering not to disturb the peace..
Should you be aware of prohibited activities taking place, would you please be so kind as to contact the Public Institution “Priroda” 51000 Rijeka, Grivica 4/I, email: info@ju-priroda.hr phone no. 00385 (0)51 352 400.
Inside the reserve, visitors are not permitted to upset birds or other animals living there, nor may they damage the geological heritage, set up campsites, light fires, undertake off-road driving outside the public roads, throw waste, damage plants or mushrooms or park outside the marked areas.
The island of Krk is densely networked with hiking trails. Explore them, and you can also download hiking trails in PDF or JPG format.